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CPAP Machines: What It Does & Who is It For

A woman asleep in her bed, wearing a CPAP machine.

If you’ve been struggling with disrupted sleep or have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, chances are you’ve heard about CPAP machines.  CPAP machines have transformed the lives of countless individuals who suffer from sleep-related breathing disorders, allowing them to breathe comfortably through the night.  Whether you’re curious about how they work or wondering if a […]

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Sedation Dentistry: How It Works & What to Expect

A dentist places an inhalation sedative mask on a patient for a minimal sedation procedure

Dental visits are crucial for protecting oral health but aren’t always thrilling. Some people experience severe dental anxiety, which may lead to avoiding necessary care. Sedation dentistry uses mild to moderate sedatives to help reduce anxiety and discomfort, allowing patients to relax during their procedure. Sedation typically makes you drowsy; depending on the type used, […]

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Can I Brush My Teeth After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

A person holding out their tooth after getting it extracted.

Getting your wisdom teeth removed can feel like a big milestone. However, once the procedure is done, there’s often hesitation about what comes next in terms of oral care. This is especially true when it comes to how you should brush your teeth, as improper brushing—or not brushing at all!—can impede the healing process. After […]

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How to Align Teeth Without Braces

A patient and their dentist discuss Invisalign as an option to align teeth without braces.

Many people associate teeth straightening with metal wires, brackets, and constant visits to the orthodontist. Although traditional metal braces are reliable and effective, they may not be for everyone. If braces don’t fit your lifestyle, Invisalign is a modern and discreet alternative to straighten mild to moderate teeth misalignment using a series of clear plastic […]

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How Long Does Botox Take to Work?

A close-up view of a woman's forehead showing frown lines between the eyebrows.

Botox has become a household name in cosmetic and skin-firming procedures because of its ability to minimize and erase the signs of aging. If you’re considering Botox for the first time, you’ll probably want to know how long Botox takes to work. You can see noticeable results from Botox within 24 to 48 hours of […]

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How To Fix Crooked Teeth

A close up view of a child's mouth showing crooked teeth.

Crooked teeth can be more than just a cosmetic concern, they can impact oral health and self-esteem. Several ways to fix crooked teeth include: Whether you’re a parent looking out for your child’s dental health or someone wanting to boost their confidence, your dentist can help determine the right orthodontic treatment to achieve a straighter […]

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