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How To Fix Crooked Teeth

A close up view of a child's mouth showing crooked teeth.

Crooked teeth can be more than just a cosmetic concern, they can impact oral health and self-esteem. Several ways to fix crooked teeth include: Whether you’re a parent looking out for your child’s dental health or someone wanting to boost their confidence, your dentist can help determine the right orthodontic treatment to achieve a straighter […]

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Can Toothache Cause Headache?

A young woman holding her jaw in pain with her eyes closed while holding a glass of ice water in her right hand.

Ever wondered why a toothache sometimes feels like it’s taking over your entire head? You’re not alone. The relationship between dental health and overall well-being is closer than most people realize. A toothache can indeed cause a headache. This can be due to referred pain, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, teeth grinding, and a series of […]

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How To Use Invisalign Cleaning Crystals

A close up of invisalign placed in a blue background

Keeping your Invisalign aligners clean is essential for both oral hygiene and a confident smile throughout your treatment. A proper cleaning routine is vital whether you are new to Invisalign or struggling with cloudy, smelly aligners. Invisalign cleaning crystals offer a convenient and effective solution. These dissolvable crystals are designed to maintain clear, hygienic aligners […]

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How Do Braces Work?

A teenager with braces and a green shirt smiling as he stands with his arms crossed in front of a blue background.

Orthodontic treatment has come a long way, and braces remain one of the most effective ways to achieve a healthy, straight smile. Whether you are a teen or an adult curious about how braces work, understanding the science and mechanics behind this dental treatment can help make it seem less intimidating.  Braces straighten teeth by […]

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