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10 Foods That Stain Teeth

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We all love indulging in our favourite foods and drinks, but the unfortunate truth is that some of them might dull our smiles. Food has a significant impact on dental health, and certain choices can leave lasting marks on our pearly whites. 

Some of the worst culprits for tooth stains include coffee and tea, red wine, and tobacco products—but there are a range of other foods that might surprise you with their staining ability.

While cutting back on staining foods and drinks can help you maintain a bright smile, it’s not your only option. Your dentist can help with lifestyle recommendations, professional whitening treatments, and regular dental cleanings.

Common Foods That Stain Teeth

Everyday items you consume might be staining your teeth without you even noticing. By identifying the hidden culprits behind these unsightly stains, you can make smarter choices to maintain a bright, radiant smile while still savouring your favourite flavours. 

Coffee & Tea

For many, a cup of coffee or tea is an essential part of the morning routine. However, these beloved beverages are among the worst foods for staining teeth. Coffee contains tannins, a type of polyphenol that causes colour compounds to stick to your teeth. 

Similarly, the pigments in tea can cling to your enamel, leading to noticeable discolouration over time. To mitigate the staining effects, consider drinking these beverages through a straw and rinsing your mouth with water afterward.

Red Wine

A glass of red wine can be perfect for unwinding after a long week, but it’s notorious for leaving dark stains on your teeth. Red wine’s rich colour and acidic nature make it quick to adhere to enamel. If you’re a wine enthusiast, try pairing your glass with water to help rinse away the pigments and maintain good oral hygiene habits to keep your smile bright.


Blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are delicious and packed with antioxidants, but they can also stain teeth. Their vibrant colours can leave unwanted marks on your enamel, especially if consumed frequently. Enjoy your berries with a dairy product like yogurt, as calcium can help protect your teeth against staining. Brushing your teeth shortly afterward can also help minimize discolouration.

Tomato-Based Products

Tomato sauces, soups, and salsas are staples in many dishes, but their rich red colour can lead to tooth stains. The acidity of tomatoes can also weaken enamel, making teeth more susceptible to staining. Consider balancing your meals with fresh greens or cheese to counteract the acidity and pigments in tomato-based products.


Curry is known for its bold flavours and often vibrant yellow hue, which can, unfortunately, result in tooth staining. The spices used in curry can cling to teeth and cause discolouration over time. To counteract this, try incorporating raw fruits and vegetables in your meal, which can help clean your teeth naturally and reduce the staining effect.

Balsamic Vinegar

Balsamic vinegar is a favourite salad dressing, but its dark colour and acidity can contribute to staining your teeth. While it’s a healthy choice for dressing, its stickiness allows it to linger on your teeth. To reduce its staining potential, pair your salad with crunchy vegetables like carrots and cucumbers, which can act as natural scrubbers.


Beets are known for their deep red colour, which can leave a stubborn mark on your teeth. However, they are loaded with nutrients, so you shouldn’t entirely avoid them. Instead, rinse your mouth with water after enjoying beets, and consider adding them to salads with leafy greens to help minimize staining.

Soy Sauce

Soy sauce adds flavour to many dishes, but its dark colour can stain teeth if consumed regularly. The high sodium content can also dry out your mouth, making it easier for stains to stick. To help prevent discolouration, drink plenty of water and maintain oral hygiene practices when consuming soy sauce.

Soda & Sugary Drinks

Soda and sugary drinks are not just bad for your health; they also contribute significantly to tooth stains. Their high sugar content and acidity can erode enamel, allowing pigments to settle in. Opt for water or unsweetened, light-coloured beverages whenever possible to help keep your teeth stain-free.

Hard Candies & Popsicles

Brightly coloured hard candies and popsicles can be tempting treats but can also lead to tooth stains. The artificial colours in these sweets can stick to enamel and cause discolouration over time. Consider limiting your intake of such treats and choosing lighter-coloured options to protect the brightness of your smile.

How These Foods Stain Teeth

Pigments and acidity play a considerable role in staining. When you consume dark foods and drinks, the pigments they contain can latch onto the enamel. Over time, this buildup can result in visible stains. Pigments are tough to remove because they penetrate microscopic pores in the enamel. 

Meanwhile, acidity softens the enamel, making it easier for pigments to attach and cause stains. Incorporating foods that help cleanse your teeth, like apples and celery, can counteract some effects of these staining agents.

A father and his school-aged daughter looking at each other and smiling while brushing their teeth over the sink in the bathroom

Minimizing the Impact of Staining Foods

To minimize the impact of these common teeth-staining foods, adopt proactive strategies such as using a straw for drinks known to stain, rinsing your mouth with water after consuming stain-prone foods, and practicing good oral hygiene. We also recommend:

  • Daily brushing and flossing: Use a toothpaste containing baking soda or whitening agents to help fight discolouration. Remember to floss daily to remove particles between teeth where stains can also form.
  • Regular dental checkups and cleanings: Professional cleanings remove plaque and tartar buildup that may contribute to tooth staining, helping your smile remain bright.

Tips for Brightening Your Smile

If stains persist despite your best efforts, consider professional whitening treatments. Dental offices offer options that can help lift stubborn stains and restore the natural brightness of your teeth. Consult with your dentist to determine the best approach for your needs.

At-Home Remedies for Removing Stains

For those seeking alternatives, at-home remedies can also be effective. Whitening strips, gels, and over-the-counter trays are options that can gradually improve your smile. Natural methods, like brushing with baking soda or using activated charcoal, can offer gentle ways to address mild staining.

Protect Your Smile & Let It Shine

By adopting strategic oral hygiene practices and considering professional treatments, you can enjoy your favourite foods without compromising your dental health. Your best ally is a diet rich in diverse nutrients and consistent care. 

For tailored advice and treatment options, book an appointment at Shawnessy Dental Centre. We can provide tips for everyday life and offer professional whitening and other cosmetic treatments to help keep that smile shining bright!

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