If you have an upcoming oral surgery, you may be a little anxious about taking care of your teeth after you leave your dentist’s office. It can definitely be challenging to remember and follow all of the recommendations your dentist discussed with you before, during or after your appointment.
One of the questions we get asked the most is, “What can I eat after my surgery?” So to make things easier for you after your procedure, we’ve compiled a list of the top 20 recommended foods to eat while you’re recovering.
Keep reading to learn more about the common types of dental surgeries and how to properly take care of your teeth after your appointment.
What are the Common Types of Dental Surgeries?
Dental surgery is any dental procedure that involves surgically modifying the teeth, gums or jawbones.
The most common types of dental surgeries include:
- Tooth extractions
- Dental implants
- Wisdom tooth removal
- Corrective jaw surgery
- Bone grafting
The Do’s & Don’ts of Post-Surgery Care
After getting dental surgery, there are certain steps you should take to promote proper healing and prevent any complications. During your appointment, your dentist will go over post-surgery care tips and outline what you should avoid during recovery.
If you forgot what your dentist recommended, don’t worry. We made a list covering everything you need to know about the dos and don’ts of post-surgery care.
What You Should Do When Recovering From Dental Surgery
When recovering from dental surgery, we suggest that you:
- Rest the day of your dental surgery
- Apply ice to your face to reduce swelling
- Take medications as instructed
- Eat healthy & nutritious soft foods
- Maintain proper oral hygiene
- Drinks lots of water
What Not to Do When Recovering From Dental Surgery
To protect your mouth after dental surgery, you should avoid:
- Heavy lifting or strenuous exercise
- Eating foods that are too hot or too cold
- Drinking through a straw
- Eating foods that are crunchy, sticky, or spicy
- Flossing & brushing until instructed
- Smoking or consuming caffeine & alcohol
What Can I Eat After Dental Surgery?
Now that you know our general tips for what to do and what not to do after dental surgery, you may wonder what specific foods we recommend.
To heal properly, it’s crucial to find foods that are safe to eat while still being nutritious and calorie-dense.
Here are the top 20 soft foods we suggest our patients eat after any dental surgery:
You can make applesauce from scratch before your appointment, but the store-bought stuff is just as good. For a healthier option, try to find applesauce that has no added sugar.

Smoothies are a quick and easy way to get a nutritious meal. Smoothies are a great option because you can find multiple recipes to keep you from getting bored during recovery.
Well-Cooked Pasta
Overcooking your pasta can make it easier to eat while your mouth is still healing. You can try it with tomato sauce, soft cheese, or just by itself.
Soup is a delicious option when it comes to post-surgery-approved food. Just make sure your soup isn’t too hot and that there aren’t any big pieces of food that you’ll need to chew.
Oats are a great whole-grain source of fibre packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. If you’re in a rush or just don’t feel like cooking after surgery, quick oats can be made in less than 5 minutes.
Well-Cooked Vegetables
To make sure you’re still eating your vegetables during recovery, try overcooking them to make them easier to eat. Mashed potatoes, carrots, and peas are all great choices.
Beans are another excellent soft food option that provides plenty of protein, fibre, iron, and antioxidants.
Yogurt is an especially good option when recovering from dental surgery. Yogurt is high in protein, and calcium which can help to strengthen your teeth as they heal.
Spinach is a versatile vegetable that can increase your iron levels, allowing you to heal more quickly. Try it mashed, creamed, or steamed.
If you’re able to chew lightly after your surgery, bread with butter, peanut butter, or jam can fuel your body. Just make sure it doesn’t have whole grains, seeds, or nuts that can get stuck in your teeth.
Eggs are versatile, nutrient-rich, and filling. We recommend eating poached or scrambled eggs as they are the easiest to chew.
Most rice is enriched with vitamins that offer high nutritional value. White rice is also especially easy on the digestive system if you are experiencing any side effects from any medications you take after your surgery.
Nut or Seed Butter
If you find you are hungry after your surgery but can’t chew, a spoonful of smooth nut or seed butter, such as peanut butter or almond butter, is a great high-protein snack.
Ripe Fruits
Ripe fruits such as bananas or peeled peaches contain fibre and antioxidants if you’re looking for something on the sweeter side without being overly sugary.
Avocados have many health benefits. You can add avocados to smoothies, spread them on soft bread, or just eat them by themselves.
Meatloaf or Meatballs
If you’re looking for a food that is high in protein, try eating meatloaf or meatballs. Just make sure there aren’t any large pieces to minimize the amount of chewing you’ll have to do.
Thoroughly blended guacamole or hummus are great examples of nutrient-dense foods that require no chewing. You can eat them by themselves or combined with other options included in this list.
To include dairy in your post-surgery diet, you can try eating soft or melted cheeses such as cottage cheese or brie cheese.
If you’re able to chew but only slightly, soft, flaky fish like salmon or tuna are great healthy options.
Fruit Juices
Fruit juices are a great way to increase your energy and boost your immune system. Opt for 100% fruit juice as opposed to sugar-sweetened beverages for a healthier option.
Do You Need Oral Surgery?
If you have a dental problem that you need to get diagnosed, book an appointment to see if surgery is the right solution for you.Contact us today if you have any questions or concerns about dental surgery or your overall oral health. Our team at Shawnessy Dental is always happy to help!