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What You Can & Can’t Eat with Invisalign

smiling woman inserting invisalign easily on white background

Invisalign is the answer to many people’s prayers for an alternative to braces. They’re sleek, low-profile, and not uncomfortable. Unlike braces, they don’t stick out much. That means you don’t have to learn how to enunciate your words all over again. But there are some unique restrictions on your day-to-day worth knowing, especially when it […]

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Sedation Dentistry: More than Just Laughing Gas

woman with her eyes clothes receiving inhaled sedation through a blue mask

What is Sedation Dentistry? For many people, trips to the dentist are uncomfortable and, in some cases, scary. Dental anxiety, or dental fear, is estimated to affect over 30% of the population, with over 10% of that suffering from extreme dental phobia. Sedation dentistry can effectively reduce patient anxiety, allowing you to relax during procedures […]

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What is the Alberta Dental Fee Guide & Why is It Important?

Dentist explaining the cost of treatment to a patient

The Alberta Dental Association, which regulates dentists in the province, introduced a fee guide in 2019 to help outline and control the increasing cost of dental services. The Alberta Dental Fee Guide gives the recommended price for various dental treatments, from dental cleanings to oral surgery. In 2023, dental fees in Alberta saw an increase, […]

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Invisalign vs. Braces vs. Functional Orthodontics: What’s The Difference?

A girl wearing braces to straighten her teeth

The goal with any orthodontic treatment is straight, beautiful teeth. While dentists and orthodontists are excited by starting patients on the journey toward straight teeth, there are a couple of things to take into account before undergoing treatment. One of the first things patients will need to address is how they would like the treatment […]

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