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Category: Oral Surgery

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Can I Brush My Teeth After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

A person holding out their tooth after getting it extracted.

Getting your wisdom teeth removed can feel like a big milestone. However, once the procedure is done, there’s often hesitation about what comes next in terms of oral care. This is especially true when it comes to how you should brush your teeth, as improper brushing—or not brushing at all!—can impede the healing process. After […]

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How to Make Numbness from Dentist Go Away

A close up of a dental patient receiving localized freezing before a dental procedure.

Tips for Unfreezing Your Mouth Numbing or freezing is common with many dental procedures, from simple fillings to root canals. Avoiding the temporary discomfort can be a relief during a procedure, but numbness can be a nuisance after your appointment. Localized freezing can affect more than your tooth, spreading to surrounding tissue. It can be […]

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How Do You Know If You Need a Root Canal?

Man experiencing toothache and touching face area where it hurts

Root canals are synonymous with a painful dental procedure—but with advances in dental processes, a root canal can be done with minimal discomfort.  But how do you know if you need a root canal? We’ll look into some telltale signs that may lead your dentist to recommend this procedure. Remember to have regular dental check-ups […]

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