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Why No Dairy After Dental Implants?

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A woman raising her hand to reject a glass of milk.

Dealing with a chipped, cracked, damaged, or missing tooth is not a pleasant experience. It can quickly have a long-lasting effect on your smile and comfort! While dental implants can be an excellent way to fix this problem, it’s crucial to follow your dentist’s recommendations during recovery; this way, you’re increasing the chances of a smooth and swift healing process. So why should you avoid dairy after dental implants?

While dairy is usually great for you, it’s also known to cause inflammation and swelling—especially after a recent procedure like an implant installation. This inflammation can cause negative effects on the surgery site and lead to potential complications. If you’ve recently had a dental implant installed, you should avoid all dairy products until your dentist gives you the all-clear.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots—usually made of titanium—that are surgically placed into your jawbone. After some time, this metal fuses to the bone itself, and acts as an extension to be used in the future as an artificial tooth root. Once the titanium and bone are fused, the implant acts as a future support for a dental crown.

These are typically used when a person is dealing with:

  • A missing tooth or teeth
  • Severely cracked or damaged teeth that need replacement
  • Difficulty with dentures or bridges

Implants are designed to restore the natural appearance and function of your natural teeth, acting as a long-lasting answer to plenty of different dental problems.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent approach. They offer plenty of benefits, such as:

  • A natural appearance and feel: Once they heal and fuse with the bone, dental implants look just like your natural teeth, and feel just as strong.
  • A long-lasting solution: Dental implants are permanent, acting as a long-lasting solution.
  • Long-term benefits: Dental implants help preserve your facial structure and prevent future bone loss.

Overall, dental implants can significantly improve your quality of life.

What to Expect When Getting Dental Implants

So what should you expect when getting dental implants? It all starts with a consultation with an experienced dentist.

During your appointment, your dentist will examine the affected tooth to determine if implants are the right approach. If so, they’ll explain what to expect. Typically, the implant process involves:

  1. If necessary, your dentist will prepare the affected area. You need a certain amount of bone density to properly support the implant, and if the damaged tooth remains, your dentist will need to extract in.
  2. Once you’re cleared for the implant installation, the titanium post will be surgically implanted into your jawbone.
  3. You’ll be sent home with clear recovery instructions. Over the next few months, the titanium will fuse with your jawbone until it acts as a single unit.
  4. Once the metal has fused to the bone, you’ll return to the dentist for an abutment fitting. This serves as the connecting joint for the future crown.
  5. Finally, a dental crown (artificial tooth) is installed on the abutment.

Once completed, you’ll have an implant, abutment, and crown fused together to act as a single replacement tooth. It’ll look and feel exactly like your natural teeth, and if the crown is ever damaged, you’ll be able to have your dentist replace it.

A young woman smiling while admiring her new dental implant in a handheld mirror.

Tips for Recovering from Dental Implants

Taking proper care of your implants during the recovery phase is crucial for a swift healing process. You’ll need to make sure you always:

  1. Maintain proper oral hygiene. Treat the implant like a sensitive tooth; gently brush and floss around the area.
  2. Avoid hard and sticky foods: These can damage the implant and significantly impair the healing process.
  3. Stay hydrated: Water is crucial for promoting a swift recovery.
  4. Avoid tobacco: Tobacco products can significantly inflame the area and increase the risk of implant failure.

Make sure you always follow your dentist’s instructions. This is the best way to increase the odds of a swift recovery.

Why You Should Avoid Dairy

While dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are generally considered healthy, you should avoid them wherever possible during your recovery process.

Dairy can quickly cause an inflammatory response in some people, and this increases the risk of:

  • Increased swelling around the surgical site
  • Potential infection due to inflammation
  • Discomfort and prolonged recovery time
  • Delayed healing of the implant area

When you’re recovering from an implant, your dentist will give you advice on what foods you can and can’t eat. Make sure to follow their advice!

Are Dental Implants Right for You?

Dental implants are an excellent option for those looking to restore their smile and improve oral health. If you’re considering dental implants, talk to our team here at Shawnessy Dental—we can help. Book an appointment with us today!

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