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5 Reasons to Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Dentist talking to patient during exam at clinic

We understand that dental exams can be time-consuming and anxiety-inducing. Still, if you’ve ever wondered whether dental exams are really that important, you should know that they’re one of the most essential appointments you can have.  Regular dental exams are a critical part of preventive health care. They help keep your teeth and gums healthy […]

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How Long Does Invisalign Take?

Close up of happy women putting on Invisalign braces in mouth.

Invisalign offers dental patients the ability to slowly reposition their teeth without drawing attention to a visually-obvious orthodontic device. Many people prefer the idea of using Invisalign to wearing braces, due to their relative comfort and lower profile. But how does Invisalign compare to traditional braces when it comes to speed? Our practice has spent […]

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10 Common Causes of Toothaches

Close up of woman with gum inflammation

Generally, a toothache is the sensation of pain in and around the teeth and gums. Toothaches can arise for many different reasons, and specific treatment options will apply to different causes of tooth pain. Treatment for toothaches can range from simply changing your dental hygiene, getting braces, to having oral surgery. Booking a dental examination […]

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