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Does Invisalign Fix Overbite?

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A young woman smiling and holding a clear aligner in her left hand.

The field of orthodontics is always evolving and changing; it’s like there’s always something new to help improve a person’s smile. One recent innovation is Invisalign—a modern approach to straightening crooked or gapped teeth. But can Invisalign fix something like overbite as well?

In many cases, Invisalign can fix a natural overbite. This treatment can slowly shift teeth towards a more desirable position and usually takes anywhere between 1 to 2 years to finish adjustments. During this time, you’ll need to visit your dentist regularly so they can monitor your process.

What Is an Overbite?

Usually, your teeth align together when your jaw is closed. This helps to evenly distribute the force of chewing and biting; when the pressure of these actions is applied evenly, your teeth can properly function without shifting out of place.

However, as we grow, our teeth are constantly adjusting. Sometimes, they don’t fully align; they may angle in different directions, crowd each other, create gaps, or even overlap. When your teeth grow so that your upper front teeth are further forward than the bottom, it’s called an “overbite.”

Usually, this is simply an aesthetic concern for people. However, severe overbite can lead to further problems as you get older. A significant overbite can lead to:

  • Unusual wear and tear on the teeth.
  • Jaw pain, like TMJ
  • Tooth misalignment
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty chewing and speaking

With a severe overbite, it helps to seek treatment from an experienced dentist; this helps to avoid further problems caused by overbite. Fortunately, there is good news—if you have an overbite, Invisalign may be able to help.

What Is Invisalign?

When you have a structural problem with your teeth—like how they angle or align—your dentist will likely recommend an orthodontic approach. Traditionally, this was done with braces with a mix of metal brackets, wires, and bands. These apply constant pressure to the teeth to slowly shift them towards a more desired position.

However, braces can also be relatively expensive; while they’re extremely effective, they also can occasionally have their fair share of drawbacks. This is when Invisalign can be ideal.

This approach uses a system of custom-made clear plastic aligners. They’re almost entirely invisible while acting just like braces—they apply steady and constant pressure to the teeth to gradually shift their angle and location. However, unlike braces, Invisalign is entirely removable. With no brackets or wires, you can simply pop the aligners out when needed, making Invisalign an extremely convenient alternative to more traditional orthodontics.

The Invisalign treatment begins with a single set of aligners. You’ll wear these for roughly 2 weeks or so, then switch to a new set. The process repeats, and you gradually work through different sets of aligners. During the treatment, you’ll need to regularly visit your dentist so they can monitor any changes.

What Dental Issues Can Invisalign Fix?

Invisalign is a versatile approach, and it can treat much more than an overbite. It’s also ideal for situations like:

  • Overcrowding, where there isn’t enough space in the jaw to accommodate all of your teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Open bite

Almost any degree of misalignment in the mouth can be treated through Invisalign. However, it’s essential to note that Invisalign can’t treat conditions caused by decay or damage—while it’s ideal for orthodontics, it isn’t a substitute for proper dental care.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

Your Invisalign treatment depends greatly on a few factors, including the complexity of your unique situation and how well you stick to the recommended schedule. The timeline varies from person, but usually takes anywhere between 1 to 2 years.

It’s essential to follow the schedule as recommended. Each aligner is worn for roughly 2 weeks at a time, though this may slightly vary depending on your case. You should wear each aligner for at least 20 hours a day—even while you sleep. You should only remove them to eat, drink, and perform your oral hygiene routine.

What to Expect from Your Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign can be an exciting step towards a straighter smile. But what should you expect from the treatment?

You’ll start with a visit to the dentist. They’ll examine your teeth and discuss treatment options with you; while Invisalign may be ideal, there may be other factors involved that restrict your options, like tooth decay or gum disease. If your dentist thinks Invisalign is the right choice for you, then you can expect:

  1. Your dentist will take scans or impressions of your teeth to create a series of different images. This information is used to make an accurate 3D model of your mouth.
  2. This information is put into the Invisalign ClinCheck software, where a roadmap is created to plan out the teeth-straightening process.
  3. Your dentist will show you the expected results from your Invisalign treatment.
  4. If you like the results, your dentist will send the information to Invisalign, where the aligners are created.
  5. Once you receive the aligners, you wear each set for 2 weeks at a time, then dispose of them and switch to the next set.

You should visit your dentist every few weeks to verify how well your treatment is working. If there are any adjustments needed, or if you experience any discomfort, your dentist will be able to help. Then, once treatment is done, you’ll be able to enjoy your new smile!

A female dentist in blue scrubs explaining a dental procedure to a woman sitting in a dentist's chair.

Should You Try Invisalign?

Invisalign is an excellent approach to conditions like overbite, and it’s an incredibly innovative approach in the field of orthodontics. That’s why our team at Shawnessy Dental is proud to say that we can help if you’re thinking about Invisalign. The first step to a new smile starts with us, so book an appointment with our team today!

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