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How Do You Know If You Need a Root Canal?

Man experiencing toothache and touching face area where it hurts

Root canals are synonymous with a painful dental procedure—but with advances in dental processes, a root canal can be done with minimal discomfort.  But how do you know if you need a root canal? We’ll look into some telltale signs that may lead your dentist to recommend this procedure. Remember to have regular dental check-ups […]

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Should You Floss or Brush First?

Close up of toothbrush and dental floss

Taking care of your teeth can avoid an unnecessary trip to your dentist’s office, helping prevent cavities and other potential problems. Cleaning your teeth twice a day, including flossing, is necessary for promoting good oral health. When you clean your teeth, should you floss or brush first?  Continue reading to learn more about dental hygiene, […]

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How to Get Rid of Cavities

Worried looking women touching face due to toothache caused by cavities and holding model teeth with other hand

Cavities aren’t the first issue to develop when it comes to your teeth, but they can act as a catalyst to other, more severe tooth problems if they’re left untreated. Preventing cavities from developing, or removing them when they do, could help maintain your healthy smile for years. But what are cavities? And what are […]

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How Long Do Veneers Last?

Close up of women smiling with dental veneers

Dental veneers are tooth-coloured shells fastened to the surface of your teeth to help improve appearance, and make your smile a little brighter. Veneers are used to treat various dental concerns, like discolouration, broken or chipped teeth.  Veneers are appealing because of their close appearance to natural teeth, and the effortless installation procedure.  If you’re […]

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